The Morning Room
Just above Wilhelmina’s desk, hangs a portrait of her husband, just as there is a portrait of her in his room, the Smoking Room. On one of the side walls hangs a portrait of daughter Ellen Roosval and above the fireplace one of daughter Ebba von Eckermann. At the short wall facing the Upper Vestibule hangs one of the mother, Johanna Kempe. The entire room is dominated by the large family portraits painted by Julius Kronberg.

In fact, Julius Kronberg is the artist who has contributed most to the decorating of No 4 Hamngatan. The large ceiling paintings and many of the portraits in the house are made by him. The ceiling of the Morning Room was painted in 1918 and was one of his last major works. The imagery is taken from Greek mythology, “Perseus liberates Andromeda.”

The Morning Room in 3D
3D-model: Erik Lernestål, the Hallwyl Museum/SHM (CC BY).
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Audio Guide Morning Room
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From the Morning Room you can get to the Upper Vestibule, the Armoury, and the Great Drawing Room.