Explore The Hallwyl Palace

The Hallwyl Museum was originally built as a private residence in 1893-1898 for Wilhelmina and Walther von Hallwyl and is preserved today. Explore the palace and its history on a guided tour in English.

People on a guided tour in a golden room

Opening hours

Open today 11:00–17:00
See all opening hours

What's on

We offer activities for children and adults, both at the museum and online.
See what's on

Pop-up: The Age of Balls

Historical fashion comes to life once more! Drawing inspiration from 19th-century fashion, four contemporary creators have made four ball gowns. We invite you to the opening night with a fashion show, an evening live drawing session, a talk with one of the creators, Susanne Brouwer.

Woman with historical clothing in profile, lit up against a dark bakground
Foto: Ola Myrin, Hallwylska museet/SHM.

Hallwyl museum online

Explore Hallwyl Museum's fantastic environment and history wherever you are. We offer digital guided tours, lectures and much more.

Museum educator in front of a camera
Photo: Jens Mohr, the Hallwyls Museum/SHM (CC BY).