Friends of the Hallwyl Museum
Welcome to become a member of Hallwyl Museum’s Friends of the Museum association! The purpose of the association is to financially and non-profit support the Hallwyl Museum’s activities and research on the museum.
The Friends of the Museum association was founded in 2000 and today has some 150 members. As a member, you obtain a unique opportunity to visit venues where the public usually finds it difficult to gain access. We strive to be able to visit venues that are connected to the von Hallwyl couple’s commitment – in addition to the museum itself – in the preservation of the posterity of culturally and historically valuable environments.
Here’s what you get as a member:
- Opportunity to deepen your knowledge about the Hallwyl museum.
- Free entry to all exhibitions at the Hallwyl museum. (Guided tours are not included in the membership).
- Free audio guide.
- Invitation to selected vernissages at the Hallwyl museum.
- 50 percent discount on lectures and events at the Hallwyl museum. Some exceptions may apply.
- 20 percent discount on the museum's own range in the museum shop.
- Participate in excursions and special tours.
- Newsletter twice a year with invitations to all activities and events organized by the Friends of the Museum association.
How to become a member of the Friends of the Museum:
Annual contribution
It fee to be a member is SEK 300 a year. An additional family member at the same address pays SEK 125.
Pay the annual membership fee
Plusgiro: 441 50 82-9
State your name and e-mail address.
Contact person for the Friends of the Museum association
Kerstin Thorén
Telephone: 070 760 80 04
Email: hallwyls.vf@gmail.com