A room with wooden panels and rich, red upholstery.
Photo: Jens Morh, the Hallwyl Museum/SHM (CC BY).
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The Ladies’ Drawing Room

The Rococo style was considered by the late 19th century to be a feminine style with its softly curvy features. Therefore, it was thought that it was a great fit for a ladies’ drawing room.

The furniture and other decorations are a mixture of antiques purchased by Wilhelmina von Hallwyl. Two 16th-century tapestries from the same suite as in the Great Drawing Room hang on the walls. The cabinet is a richly decorated Baroque cabinet from the 1720s and the ceiling features a late 17th-century painting attributed to the court painter David Klöcker Ehrenstrahl’s studio, depicting Aurora, the goddess of dawn.

EN oljemålning av en kvinna på en vagn som dras av en bevingad häst. Runt om ett flertal figurer.
Photo: Jens Mohr, the Hallwyl Museum/SHM (CC BY).

The antiquities at No. 4 Hamngatan had mainly three sources: the antique dealer Eduard Kahlert in Eisenach (Germany), the fine art and antiquities dealer Karl Bossard in Lucerne (Switzerland), and the auction house Bukowskis near Berzelii Park. Wilhelmina von Hallwyl also made purchases while travelling in Europe, but usually she had a clear idea of what she wanted for her collection and used antique dealers to obtain it.

The Ladies' Drawing Room in 3D

3D-model: Erik Lernestål, the Hallwyl Museum/SHM (CC BY).

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From the Ladies’ Drawing Room, you can come to the Great Drawing Room and the Upper Vestibule.

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