Image of the Grand room in the museum.
Photo: Erik Lernestål, the Hallwyl Museum/SHM (CC BY).

Rent a venue

In special cases, when the museum is closed to the public, there is, under certain conditions, a possibility to rent rooms in the museum.

Photographing and filming

There is the possibility to rent the museum for professional photo shoots or film recordings. Private individuals are welcome to take photographs in the museum, as long as it does not disturb other visitors.

Image of a camera taking photos of the museum and the interior
Photo: Jens Mohr, the Hallwyl Museum/SHM (CC BY).

Food and drink in the restaurant

It is not permissible to take food or drink into the museum, however you are warmly welcome to visit the Hallwylska Restaurant located in the museum’s courtyard. The restaurant is operated by an outside restaurateur and we refer you to them for any questions about food and drink issues.

Image of the statue in the museum courtyard
Photo: Hallwylska restaurant

Our rooms

The rooms are rented out as they are, and it is not permitted to move any objects or furniture, nor to alter anything.

Image of one of the rooms of the museum
Photo: Jens Mohr, the Hallwyl Museum/SHM (CC BY).

Rental Rates

  • Charge per hour: SEK 3,000 per hour, or alternatively SEK 8,000-10,000 for a full day, (price depending on the room/space). A charge for hosts and security guards will be added, the amount depending upon the time of day the room is rented.
  • Charge for the host during regular daytime hours: SEK 400 per hour
  • Charge for the host and security guards during evening hours: SEK 400 per hour for the host and SEK 695 per hour for the security guards.

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