6 March 2020 – 30 December 2020
Towards the continent
The founders of the Hallwyl Museum, Wilhelmina and Walther von Hallwyl, made over 60 trips abroad. During most of the trips, they passed through Switzerland, Walther’s native land. The family made long journeys that resembled expeditions. Often they were away for several months at a time while visiting many different countries.

Spain and Greece were then places outside the established travel routes, while Egypt was an early tourist destination. Railways, hotels and all the luxuries demanded by a wealthy Western European were expected as a given. The entrepreneur Thomas Cook was one of the first to organise group social travel, and due to the British colonisation and the construction of the Suez Canal, transport and tourism to more and more countries became possible. And with that, came the rise of fancy hotels and luxury tourism.

Collecting and remembering were an important part of travelling
The Hallwyl Museum’s unique collections are a result of Wilhelmina von Hallwyl’s work to save and catalogue not only everything in her home but also from their travels. The exhibition featured objects and memorabilia related to the family’s many journeys: suitcases, travel diaries, photographs, postcards, souvenirs, travel clothes and parasols, among many other items. Room by room, a journey through time was presented showing what it was once like to travel first class.

Photo: the Hallwyl museum/SHM (Public Domain) and Ola Myrin, SHM (CC BY).

The exhibition was designed by Ulla Kassius.